
Music: Oluwatoyin Adesemowo – Agbanilagbatun

UK based music minister, Oluwatoyin Adesemowo has released a new single titled “Agbanilagbatun”.

According to her, the song “Agbanilagbatun” was born in the place of prayer, following a forty days fast. “It portrays the sovereignty of God as my and your total deliverer in the place of adversity and in every walks of life”, she said.

Oluwatoyin Adesemowo is a songwriter; worship leader and a minstrel who truly enjoys worship as a lifestyle.

Oluwatoyin is happily married to Adefemi and they are bless with two thriving children.

The song was produced by Evans Ogboi for Simplicity Records.



Eyin lalagbawi mi,
eyin lalagawimi
Jesu lalagbawimi abganilagbatun emasun
Agbani lagatan ema seun.
Oba tunbani se le aye2x

Ogbenu mudia sola ema seun- call
Agbani lagbatun emaseun-response

Ogbeninu adelobo sogo e… call
Agbanilagbatunemaseun- response

Apanulatosolerayero- call
Agbanilagbatun ema esun- response

Erujejeton mibgokijiji e- call
Agbanilagbatun emaseun- response

Ekun oko faaraoho ese.. call
Abgbani ni lagbatun ema seun-response

Mimo mimo tun gbeninumo esun -call
Agbanilagbatun ema sun- response

Jesu lalagbawimi

Agbanilagbatun ema seun

Eyinlalagawe mi
Eyinlalaga wimi

Abgbani lagbatoun

Connect with Oluwatoyin Adesemowo

Instagram: @oluwatoyinadesemowo
Facebook: Oluwatoyi Adesemowo
Twitter: @oluwadesemowo

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