
Music: Matthew McIntosh & LIFE – Christ Did It All

Toronto based group, Matthew McIntosh & LIFE, with the success of their #2 iTunes single entitled “redeemed” in 2020, is back with a dynamic sound to radiate across the world! Their new single “Christ Did It All”, released on resurrection Sunday landed itself in the top 3 iTunes chart again and is an anthem sung by all who encounter it!”

It all began in 2011 when a group of young adults, under the leadership of Matthew McIntosh, said yes to being a part of ministry that will change their lives tremendously. The name “LIFE” stands for Living in Freedom Eternally.

This group strives to impact any atmosphere they are in with the love and power of Jesus Christ. They are mandated to share the gospel throughout the ends of the earth through their creativity in the musical arts. In 2012, they released their first debut album entitled “Living in Freedom Eternally”. The fresh and colorful sounds of this album echoed in many churches not only in the city of Toronto, where the group originated, but around the world.

In the fall of 2020, LIFE held a Live Recording set to be released in 2021 that will also include their latest single’s “Redeemed” and “Christ Did It All”. The group is extremely excited to share with the world what they have been working on.

The latest LIFE single “Christ Did It All”, was originally written in 2016 by our Leader Matthew McIntosh and our Musical Director affectionately known as Mali. The beginning of the song beautifully expresses the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is that Christ came to earth, Christ died, Christ rose and is coming back for His church.

This then leads to the conclusion of how great Gods love is for us. The hope for the ministry is that people will listen to this song understand that the gospel is still so relevant and we rejoice in the fact that Christ has made it possible for us to be reconciled to the father and for us to be alive and free today.


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