
Music: Light Me Up – Minister ND Realm @ministernd_realm

Minister ND Realm is finally out his debut single titled Light Me Up

The song talks about the light of God that dwell in our life, even the Bible stated it in John 9:5 That As long as I am in the world I am the light of the world.

If we carry the light of God In us darkness would be too fat from us.

Song produced by BardBishop

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Light Me Up by Minister ND Realm


Verse 1

I am covered

by your wings

I am saved

by your grace lord

You are the potter

I’m the clay

You are the light

I’m the candle

So light me up

Jesus light me up

Holy ghost light me up

Let me burn for you

Jesus light me up

holy ghost light me up

Set me on fire

let me burn for you


I am covered

by your wings

I am saved

by your grace lord

You are the potter

I’m the clay

You are the light

I am the candle

Me —- So light me up

Jesus light me up

Holy ghost light me up

Choir——Let me burn for you

Choir—–Jesus light me up

Me ——–holy ghost light me

Choir——holy ghost light me up

Me ——–Set me on fire

Choir——set me on fire

Let me burn for u

Me —-Light me up

Choir—- for you

Let me burn for you


Ohh ohh ooo let me burn for you (Repeat)


IG: @ministernd_realm

FB: Minister ND Realm

Thanks in anticipation

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