Anointed Gospel singer, worship Leader and a songwriter “Charles Jade”, is out with another mind blowing song he titles” HAVE YOUR WAY”… A song gotten in the place of total brokenness and obedience to the holyghost, in this year 2022, it’s a year of the supernatural where the holyghost takes the lead and we will follow!!!
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Intro.. Tongues
Not my will but yours
Not my way but yours
It’s not by my intellect but yours
O Lord have your way
Have your way
Have your way
O Lord Have your way
Its not voice but yours
It’s not by might, but by your spirit Lord
It’s not by my intellect but yours
O Lord have your way
It’s not my voice but yours
Not by power but by your spirit Lord
It’s not by my intellect but yours
O Lord have your way…
Sweet holy spirit
Lord take away self
Father we just want more of you
Take me out if this equation
Father put all of you
Spirit of God… (Tongues)
The spirit of God is the living water
Only the spiritual men can drink from the spirit
Have you drank from the well of the spirit?
Are u filled with the holyspirit ?
Ask him to have his way
O sweet Jesus have your way (tongues)
Have you way…..
Connect With Charles Jade
Facebook : Charles Jade
Instagram :minista_charlesjade
Whatsapp: 09078879166
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