
Kay Wonder Releases New Single, Video Titled Jewo Ara Re (Reveal Yourself)

Nigerian Gospel Musician, Kay Wonder, following the recent Live Recording concert, Tagged “Worship Encounter” has offered up a brand new song accompanied by an amazing live visual that brings down the power of God titled JEWO ARA RE!

The title is of Yoruba origin – a language widely spoken in the Southwestern region of Nigeria being interpreted as “Reveal Yourself” in English. It is a soul-lifting song that does not only bless but also increases hunger for God.

According to the singer, times are when challenges are daunting and hopes dim, when the floods of life contend the verdict of God’s word. But in it all, the testimony of His word is sure and His faithfulness endures to all generations.

JEWO ARE RE unlocks the invincible power of His mightiness and brings about the immutability of His testament thereby affirming His enduring faithfulness from age to age.

It is our hope that listening to this song will bring the revelation of God himself to the soul of each one.

This song is Available now for free download


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Baba jewo jewo arare
(Father reveal yourself)
Jesu jewo jewo ara re
(Jesus reveal yourself)
Ati duro duro duro
(We have waited and waited )
Jesu se Iyanu
(Jesus do wonders)

Baye orun ba koja
(Though the heaven and earth pass away)
Oro re ki yo koja
(Your word will not pass away)
Bokukun ba su
(Darkness may come)
Toda bi pe imole o si mo
(And light seem to have disappeared)
Imole a tan
(Light will shine)
Imole a tan
(Light will shine)
Bo ti wun kori
(Whatever the circumstance)
Iyanu a sele
(Wonders will happen)

Baba jewo jewo arare
(Father reveal yourself)
Jesu jewo jewo ara re
(Jesus reveal yourself)
Ati duro duro duro
(We have waited and waited )
Jesu se Iyanu
(Jesus do wonders)

Awa o wa
(It’s you we seek)
Je ka ri o
(Let us see you)
Abiyamo kin gbekun omo re
(A mother will not hear the cry of her child )
Ko ma tati were
(And not be alert)

GBEKELE onigbagbo,
(Trust in Him ye believer)
B’ ija na tile pe,
(Though the battle May tarry)
Sibe iwo yio segun,
(Nevertheless you will conquer)
Olorun ja fun o.
(The Lord shall fight for you)
Sa gbekele!
(Just trust in Him)
B’ okunkun tile su
(Though darkness come)
Sa gbekele!
(Just trust in Him)
Ile fere mo na.
(There will soon be a new dawn)

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